As part of our goal to develop a more effective mental health program, one that is responsive to our members needs and user friendly, we have bought a subscription to The Firestrong website. The site description is below. In addition to the site content provided by the Firestrong team, the site allows us to create our own specific Orange County Firefighters Association page that now contains, under the "RESOURCES" tab, information related to each of our offered health plans and the mental health services provided by them. There are also referral numbers for inpatient/outpatient substance abuse treatment centers as well as psychiatric services.The 24 hour HOTLINE was developed for Fire and Police nationwide. The page is a work in progress and we will continue to build it out as the program grows. Below you will find your universal log in and password for the site. Please be assured that any navigation through the site you do is completely anonymous.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Your Executive Board